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Cerium Powder

Pink Cerium
White Cerium

Cerium oxide powder is a finely ground abrasive compound employed in conjunction with felt wheels to achieve a high-gloss, pristine finish on glass surfaces. This specialized powder effectively removes fine scratches, mineral deposits, and other imperfections from glass, leaving it brilliantly polished. When applied with gentle pressure and water, cerium oxide creates a slurry that buffs and smooths the glass, resulting in a crystal-clear and lustrous appearance, making it indispensable for glass polishing applications. Pink Cerium Oxide, with a standard grade of 1.5 micron, has a lower grid, making it better for removing deeper scratches, while White Cerium Oxide, with a premium grade of 0.5 micron, has a higher grid, giving a slightly brighter finish.

Cork Spacers

Cork Spacers

Cork separator pads are thin, resilient squares designed for placement between glass sheets to prevent scratching, chipping, or sticking during storage and transportation. These pads are made from natural cork, providing cushioning and a non-abrasive surface that protects the glass while allowing for easy separation. Their thickness and compressibility ensure a snug fit, making them a reliable choice for glass handling and storage applications.

Dressing Sticks

Dressing Sticks
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Dressing sticks are essential tools for maintaining the sharpness and precision of grinding wheels and drills utilized in glass processing. These sticks, typically made of abrasive materials, like silicon carbide or diamond, are used to reshape, clean, and expose fresh abrasive particles on the cutting or grinding surfaces. By running the dressing stick against the wheel or drill, it removes debris, refreshes the cutting edges, and ensures consistent, efficient performance when working with glass, promoting safety and precision in the process.

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